XML Example of deleteLines and InsertLines


Can I get an example XML view of how the deleteLines and InsertLines for SOAP web services will look like?



  • 0


    what version you use?

    InsertLines never worked for me, Use Modify or save and populate the lines like

    <LIN NUM="1">


    <FLD NAME="FLD2">VAL11</FLD>
    <LIN NUM="2">


    <FLD NAME="FLD2">VAL22</FLD>


    for deleteLines

    c# example

    wWsvc =web service client

    wCtx = web service context

    aPublicIdentifier = x3 web service publication name

    aParamsKeyValue = the params for the web service for example: SOHNUM for SOH

    CAdxParamKeyValue[] paramsKeyValues = new CAdxParamKeyValue[1];
    paramsKeyValues[0] = new CAdxParamKeyValue();
    paramsKeyValues[0].key = "SOHNUM";
    paramsKeyValues[0].value = "123456789";
    return paramsKeyValues;

    aBlockKey = grid screen~grid variable , for example: "SOH4~NBLIG"

    aLINToDelete = line on grid to delete, you need to know the line # on the grid. if you read the object LIN is what you are looking for.
    you can't delete more than 1 line at a time as once you delete a line all the other lines get a new LIN....
    so in general it is not the most useful function...

    string[] lineKeys = new string[1]; 
    lineKeys[0] = System.Convert.ToString(LINE_TO_DELETE);

    CAdxResultXml  wResult = wWsvc.deleteLines(wCtx, aPublicIdentifier, aParamsKeyValue, aBlockKey, aLINToDelete);

    hope this helps