• Inquiry Conditions

    Is there a way to restrict a user from changing a condition on an inquiry?
  • Log4j Vulnerability

    Hello, Has Sage CRE 300 been affected by the recent Log4j vulnerability? If so, is there remediation information available? Thanks, Zach
  • Setting up permissions for Work Orders

    We are having issues with unauthorized people changing job cost codes, moving people around in the D-board and activating jobs. We need to set up read-only access for SM work orders and found the area to restrict access in the Security Administration…
  • Best Practices for user permissions within an organization.

    Working with a medium sized business, approximately 50 employees. 5-6 employees who work in various accounting modules. I am the IT director for this company and the question has come up for who should have full administrative rights within Sage. Currently…
  • How to prevent users from posting to a particular general account?

    Hello All, I've recently set up record security hoping this would lock users not authorized from posting to a GL Company such as 305-000. However, after locking my prefixes and GL companies, that only prevented users from being able to run reports…
  • Task in Security for only one data folder

    I have users that need to run specific reports in only specific data folders. So they do not run the wrong report by accident in the wrong data folder I want to limit what reports they see when they change companies/data folders. Currently, you can only…