• Vendor.IsModified is Always True?

    I'm trying to troubleshoot some problems I'm having, so I wrote a very simple .NET Framework v4.7.2 C# console application to narrow down where the problem is. One issue I've found is immediately after loading any Vendor record, IsModified is always true…
  • How to overwrite the sales tax using sdk

    We want to be able to write the Sales tax of a document back to sage using a third party application. From the .net dll, we have understood that the sales tax can only be calculated but not written to. But we want to know if there is any way we can edit…
  • Sage SDK Web Support

    Does the Sage 50 SDK support web applications? I'm attempting to create an ASP.NET application to talk with Sage back and forth. I added the API to the website with it simply starting a session but I receive an expection: Could not load file or assembly…
  • CriptographicException and System.InvalidOperationException

    I can hit all the sample databases and my private database locally; however, when deployed I get this exception: System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException","StackTrace": " at Sage.Peachtree.API.PeachtreeSession.VerifyOrRequestAccess(CompanyIdentifier…