• Session Initialization w/.NET API

    I have the following code to create a session. Session s = new Session(); s.Init("", "XY", "XY1000", "67A"); s.Open(User, Password, Company, DateTime.Today, 0); A client had been using ADMIN/ADMIN for the username and password (don't ask why they…
  • Sage 300 API Question [On Premise]

    Hello, We are using Sage 300 (version 2020) on premise with a perpetual concurrent user license using the desktop screens exclusively. We have a 3rd party CRM solution that we would like to integrate with Sage. I am by no means familiar with SAGE development…
  • Can't Set Column Order in Quotes and Orders in CRM's Sage 300 Integration

    Hi All, We have Sage CRM setup with Integration with Sage 300. On the quotes and orders pages in Opportunities, our users are used to being able to select which columns are displayed on the item grid (Item number, description, qty, etc). Which has all…
  • Web API IC Adjustment posting handle Sage 300 errors

    Hi, I am very new to using the Web API integration in Sage 300. I am in the process of writing a system that will integrate IC Adjustments using the Web API and so far all seems to be working as expected. One question I have: If the API returns…
  • The program UP0023 has been deleted or damaged .net API Order Insert

    var view = OpenView("OE0520"); view.Cancel(); view.Init(); view.Fields.FieldByName("ORDNUMBER").SetValue(order.OrderNumber, false); view.Fields.FieldByName("CUSTOMER").SetValue(order.CustomerID, true); This code is returning the error, "The…
  • How to figure out errors ViewExceptions .NET API

    I'm trying to insert an order using the API - and I'm getting back an error that just says 6666 How can I find what this means, and in general, is there a way to get the COM exceptions and error codes? I know how to get session.Errors, but that is empty…
  • csv file uploads in reverse order

    Hi - We just updated to Sage 300 2020 from 2014 and use CSV files for exporting and importing sales orders between Sage and our warehouse Access db. For some reason, some of the shipped quantities brought back into Sage come in with quantities in reverse…
  • The Invoice doesn't depict a link to the payment.

    Hello Team, I applied a payment to the Invoice. But inside the Invoice, I cannot see the link to the applied payment. How I can detect inside the Invoice that the Invoice is related to payment?
  • Error during the search Customers by period via API

    Hello Team, Could you help me with the following question. I cannot filter Customers by date and time. Example: http://{BASE_URL}/Sage300WebApi/v1.0/-/SAMLTD/AR/ARCustomers?$top=1000&$filter=DateLastMaintained gt 2000-01-01T01:08:35 or DateOfLastActivity…
  • Difference between payments type in Sage 300

    In Sage 300 when the user creates a Receipt payment, the user can select a few types of payment. For example: Receipt Prepayment What is the difference between these types? I found one difference. If the type is Receipt , the user applies a payment for…
  • How to receive Sage 300 account currency via API

    Hello Team, I want to receive the Sage 300 account currency via API. The account currency is CAD. To receive the currency I use the following endpoint - CSCurrencyRates And I expected that Sage 300 should return me one row with the Account currency. But…
  • Sage 300 Currency ISO-CODE

    Hello Team, Is it possible to receive the Currency ISO-CODE via API? I tried to use the following endpoints: CSCurrencyCodes CSCurrencyRates But Sage 300 doesn't return the Currency ISO-CODE. Also, I cannot find the Currency ISO-CODE on UI. Could you…
  • How to receive the adjustment unique identifier

    Team, We use the following endpoint to receive adjustments -> http://{BASE_URL}/Sage300WebApi/v1.0/-/SAMLTD/AR/ARReceiptAndAdjustmentBatches What field I can use from the API response as the adjustment unique identifier?
  • Invoices Type -> Retainage Invoice, Retainage Credit Note, Retainage Debit Note.

    Hello Team, Once I create an Invoice, I can select the following Invoice types: - Retainage Invoice - Retainage Credit Note - Retainage Debit Note In which cases the user should select the following type to create an Invoice? Do these Invoice types influence…
  • How to receive the Invoice unique identifier

    Hello Team, We use the following endpoint to receive Invoices - http://{BASE_URL}/Sage300WebApi/v1.0/-/SAMLTD/AR/ARInvoiceBatches But, Sage 300 API doesn't return the Invoice unique identifier. Invoice Batch is not unique due to combining a few invoices…
  • Sage 300 API doesn't return deleted Customers

    Hello Team, We use the following endpoint to receive Customers from Sage 300: http://{BASE_URL}/Sage300WebApi/v1.0/-/SAMLTD/AR/ARCustomers But, if the Customer is deleted in Sage 300, this endpoint doesn't return Customers. How we can receive deleted…
  • Customer Balance

    In Sage 300 the Customer has three balances: But via API Sage 300 returns only the Outstanding A/R Balance. How to receive A/R Pending Balance and Total Outstanding Balance via API?
  • Error during the push payment to Sage 300. The payment type is 'Receipt'.

    Hello Team, I try to push a payment with the 'Receipt' status. But I receive an error message: "value": "The request parameters are invalid. Fail to save value to (Applied Receipts/Adjustments) for fields (Customer Number, Document Number, Payment Number…
  • Currency Rate

    Hello Team, To receive the currency rate I use the following endpoint -> CSCurrencyRates The response has the following structure: { "ToCurrency" : "CAD" , "RateType" : "AV" , "FromCurrency" : "AUD" , "RateDate" : "2020-01-02T00:00:00Z" ,…
  • Customer and Invoices contacts

    Hello Team, I found that I can add contacts only at the Customer level in Sage 300. But I cannot find how to add contacts at the Invoice level. Could you clarify, is it possible or not?
  • Customer and Invoice statuses

    Team, Is it possible via API to receive Invoices and Customers statuses? If yes, could you provide the name of the endpoint? Where on UI in Sage 300 I will be able to find the list of Invoices and Customers statuses?
  • Customer Tax Code

    Hello Team, Sage 300 API returns the following fields for TAX: "TaxGroup" : "AGST" , "TaxRegistrationNumber1" : "" , "TaxRegistrationNumber2" : "" , "TaxRegistrationNumber3" : "" , "TaxRegistrationNumber4" : "" , "TaxRegistrationNumber5…
  • The Customer Balance in Sage 300

    Hello Team, In Sage 300 the Customer has a few balances As I understand, the main Customer Balance is the Total Outstanding Balance . Is it correct? Or we should use as the main Customer Balance this field -> Outstanding A/R Balance ?
  • Sage 300 currencies integration via API

    Hello Team, I have some questions about how to integrate currencies from Sage 300. We use the following endpoint: http://{Base_URL}/Sage300WebApi/v1.0/-/SAMLTD/CS/CSCurrencyRates 1. API returns the RateTypes. How they influence of the choice which record…
  • Apply a Payment to the Invoice

    Hello Team, I want to apply a payment to the Invoice. To do it I use the following endpoint: POST ARPostReceiptsAndAdjustments Example of the request: { "BatchRecordType" : "CA" , "BatchNumber" : 77 , "BatchDate" : "2021-06-27" , "Description…