Has anyone experienced problems with W2"s with 401K deferred?

We have codes for Roth IRA and deferred 401K etc.  Some of our w2's came out correctly with adding the 401K deferred wages to the social security and medicare wages...and some did not.  The withholding of medicare and SS taxes was correct.  But when the Turbo tax and other software had our W2 amounts entered, they picked up the error.  Why did this happen?  not consistent, happened to some employees and not all.

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    Unfortunately a question like this is better handled if you contact Sage 300 ERP support. You will be requested to provide examples and more details. It many cases this is setup related or a timing issue. The employee with the problem may be using a different earning\deduction code and taxes vs the other employee that has no issue with W2 reporting. It may also be that the employee didn't have the right setup earlier in the year and was only corrected later after a few payroll runs.