• Sage 2022 Customer Maintenance Custom Tab List-Box

    Hi, I experiencing errors in customer maintenance on a custom tab. I'm using the debug window and found 1k+ lines on several clicks. Error:0 Error:11 Error:12 Error:13 Error:14 Error:2 Error:20 Error:23 Error:26 Error:27 Error:36 Error:65 Error…
  • Update UDT whenever Sales Orders are printed

    Greetings all, I was wondering if there is a way of updating a UDT whenever a Sales Order is printing via script. I have a customer that would like to keep track of the time between when the SO is printed and when the order is shipped. I figured I…
  • Copy invoice from AR_InvoiceHistory to flat file

    I have most of this script working but am hung up on the part reading from the line detail object. I have created a button on the AR Invoice History Inquiry panel so that the end user can find the invoice they want to copy, press the button, and the flat…
  • Launch Sales Order Entry to create new order from Customer Maintenance and pass Customer Number

    Hi Sage City and Happy Friday! I have been working on a button script to launch Sales Order Entry from AR Customer Maintenance. The goal is to click on the button and open SO Entry, automatically select the next Order Number and pass the Customer Number…
  • Forcing Cancellation Code when deleting Sales Orders into history through BOI

    Good morning all, So I figured this would have been a relatively easy script but I can't seem to find a way of accomplishing what I need. I have a customer that would like to force a cancellation reason whenever you delete a Sales Order into history…
  • Is it possible to create records in AR_CustomerDocuments and AR_CustomerDocumentContacts via BOI?

    Hi forum folks and Happy Friday! I have a customer that would like to CC a specific inbox any time we send SO Invoices and orders via Paperless Office. We have been doing this by adding this CC email to the "To Additional Email Addresses" Field under…
  • oScript.InvokeButton("xxx") Alternative in BOI Script

    I am using a BOI script to check if the Unattended Barcode Import Task is running. If it is not running, the script starts up the UI for Unattended Barcode Import. But I need to programmatically press the "Proceed" Button in the UI. Any ideas? Is…
  • Is AP_VendorElectronicPayment_bus available through BOI?

    I am having trouble trying to create a new record using BOI for AP_VendorElectronicPayment. It is in the Object Reference, but I get a 200 error when I attempt to instantiate it. I have it typed correctly, and the user account I am using has access to…
  • Need Sales Order Header Script to compute Standard Cost based Margin on ENTIRE Order, on totals tab.

    I'm looking for existing script I can use to simplify our need to run a custom report during our quoting process for every order. Can anyone help me create a script that will calculate the entire Gross Profit/Margin for the whole Sales Order and display…