• Changing Color of Highlighted Text?

    Hello, Our users are having problems seeing the invoice number inside of Customer Maintenance when clicking on an invoice, and then clicking away. The invoice number is all white on a grey background..I know that I can change the color of the panel…
  • selling price of items excl tax/ incl tax

    Hello, please i have a question, I created more than 4000 product with the parameterizable file, and I put the price in incl tax and the problem sage considers it as a price in excl tax and it adds VAT again. is there a way to define at once that the…
  • Crystal Report Error: Unable to print PRWFXAH.rpt. The Device is not ready.

    We just upgraded to Sage 100 ERP from Mas 200 and I got this error this morning. I'm not familiar with it. I've looked through a few areas for help, but haven't found any solution thus far. I'm hopeful that someone has run across this issue before.