• ProvideX ODBC - Data type conversion?

    I have been attempting to simply change the data type of a column for a query I am running through the ProvideX ODBC but I keep getting errors, and I am wondering if this scalar function is not available here. Simply, I am trying to query the IM_PeriodPostingHistory…
  • Adding ODBC connection in Power BI service fails; works locally

    Greetings, I'm running into a roadblock attempting to add an ODBC data source via Power BI Service via +New / Data sources page from the following URL. https://app.powerbi.com/groups/me/gateways Here are a few facts: The ODBC driver (for Sage…
  • How to share a silent ODBC Connection

    I've connected a single table from Sage 100c 2021 to Excel (data model) via a silent ODBC connection with saved username/password. All works great for me, but if anyone else uses this excel workbook and tries to refresh the data it makes them log in a…
  • Connection String to Silent ODBC DSN using ProvideX ODBC Driver is forcing connection to default to SOTAMAS90 DSN

    We are querying invoice data to read from MAS using the ProvideX ODBC driver from within a custom application. Within the custom application, we have tried specifying credentials explicitly within the connection string used to open the ODBC connection…
  • Excel File using ODBC created by one user. 2nd user gets error when trying to update

    User 1 created an excel file that pulls in data from Sage 100 Standard via ODBC. Created same dsn connection (same dsn name) on User 2's computer. "Test Connection" successful with saved username/pw. User 2 opens the same excel file and tried to refresh…
  • ODBC - Is ODBC security within Role Mainnance REQUIRED?

    If we currently do NOT have ODBC Security within Role Maintenance enabled , what are the abilities/restrictions of users to create an ODBC data source connection?
  • Using 64-bit ODBC with 64-bit Excel - Unable to access view tables

    We have a customer that uses view tables created to optimize queries run in MS Query. These queries run in 32-bit ODBC and 32-bit Excel, but do not run with the 64-bit versions of the same. All other tables aside from view tables are able to be accessed…
  • MAS 90 Data Access Problems with ODBC

    MAS 90 version = ProvideX driver version = 4.21.1000 I am attempting to query MAS 90 data using the ProvideX ODCB driver. My queries are running, but no data is returned. 1) MAS 90 has been set up with a role that gives me read access to all…
  • SSIS Package Providex Occasional Extract Issue

    We use SSIS to grab all the information from MAS for use in reporting. We use the ODBC driver to do this. This works with no issues the majority of the time. Occasionally, but still often enough, there will be an issue with the extraction, causing…