• BI Tools in Excel Keeps Disappearing

    I need BI Tools menu in Excel to export reports. It keeps disappearing from the tabs at the top. If it goes away, I have to reboot my whole computer to get it going again. Any help would be much appreciated. There are no warnings or dialogs that pop up…
  • Sage Intelligence Data Limit Reached in Excel

    I have a Consolidated Financial Statement that contains up to 30 companies. It appears to be hitting the data limit. I talked to Sage Support and they said that the data can be filtered to generate the report. I wanted to pull the last 2 years of history…
  • Cost of Goods Report

    I am running a COGS report for the week ending 4/15/16; however, not all of my invoices are coming up. I verified that one particular invoice in question was correctly posted in that time period, and the items are allocated to the correct GL accounts…
  • Business Insights Reporter Wizard Payroll Hang

    I am trying to create a new report through the reporter. When I give the report a name and choose where it will be in the reports it puts me to the next screen where I should select a template (Landscape, Portrait, Shipping Label.) At this point no matter…
  • Sage Intelligence templates corrupting when resaving

    Went to help a client yesterday making a minor change to a Sage Intelligence template. Ran the report, edited it in excel and everything looked good. Then did the save excel template and thought we were done. However, upon running the report again,…