• How to import Sales Forecast by Customer and Item

    We are on Sage 100 Advanced v2022.1 and I don't see anywhere a Sales Forecasting report or option to enter numbers or imported via VI. We have a new Sales Executive and he wants me to import sales forecast numbers, by Customer and Item to produce a…
  • Best option for extracting data out of Sage 100 into Third-Party software

    We are looking at a Third-Party software called Master Control for our QA/QC documentation processing. With that, we want to be able to extract data out of Sage 100c Advanced v2019.2 (upgrading to v2021 shortly) from Scanco's Manufacturing module, as…
  • Concur Standard for 100 ERP Sample Upload

    Hi Everyone! We are going to be using Concur Standard to handle our company credit card expenses. The Concur rep told me to contact Sage and ask for a sample input file so she can customize our upload file to Sage's specification. I contacted Sage…
  • How can I export any/all the email addresses in paperless office?

    I would like to have a list of all email address associated with every account, but I am not aware of a method to do this.
  • Error Message During Delete Process

    Hello, Everyone has been so helpful in the past, I thought I would ask about another issue I am having. While trying to delete some items through the "Delete and Change Items" Module I receive the following Error Message for each of the items…