• How to import Sales Forecast by Customer and Item

    We are on Sage 100 Advanced v2022.1 and I don't see anywhere a Sales Forecasting report or option to enter numbers or imported via VI. We have a new Sales Executive and he wants me to import sales forecast numbers, by Customer and Item to produce a…
  • Sage 100 ERP 2013: Remove price overrides for 10 specific customers at once in batch process?

    Hi everyone, I'm using Sage 100 ERP 2013 and I'd like to remove the price overrides for about 10 specific customers. The customers have customer numbers that aren't sequential, but are scattered, in case that matters. I want to do this in a safe,…
  • How can I export any/all the email addresses in paperless office?

    I would like to have a list of all email address associated with every account, but I am not aware of a method to do this.
  • IM_PriceCode issues with Visual Integrator

    Hello! I am having a problem importing records with Visual Integrator using the IM_PriceCode table. HELP! In the past, we have used this table to manually import customer pricing, basically uploading the CustomerNo, ItemCode, & Price directly into…
  • Error Message During Delete Process

    Hello, Everyone has been so helpful in the past, I thought I would ask about another issue I am having. While trying to delete some items through the "Delete and Change Items" Module I receive the following Error Message for each of the items…
  • Still Having VI Importing Issue

    Hello, I am still having an issue with imported product item numbers being skipped. I do not know what could be causing this as I have successfully imported 250,000+ items with the same number scenarios. Has anyone else had this issue and if so, how…