• 100E - Sage 100 - Object Interface Course

    Hi, I want to read and write data in sage100 database, so after some research I found out this course for reference. But just need to validate that is this course really guides on how to read and write back data to Sage100 database or not? This…
  • Datetime fields ALL no longer allow nulls

    We've recently moved from Sage 100 providex to SQL. Upon looking at our tables in SQL it appears that every field of type datetime now has been set to not allow null values. As a result all of those fields now automatically populate with 1753-01-01 (SQL…
  • Rebuilding Sort Files Automatically

    Once every 1-2 weeks or so I have to get in after hours to rebuild sort files, in our old business system a similar process was scheduled to run each night. Does anyone out there have a script or other method that would allow for scheduling a rebuild…