• querying summarized bill of materials

    For some reporting purposes I need to normalize the bill of materials exactly how it shows in the BM_SummarizedReportWRK report into a SQL table. How do I do this? I've been attempting to backwards engineer from the regular and accessible Bill Of Materials…
  • Datetime fields ALL no longer allow nulls

    We've recently moved from Sage 100 providex to SQL. Upon looking at our tables in SQL it appears that every field of type datetime now has been set to not allow null values. As a result all of those fields now automatically populate with 1753-01-01 (SQL…

    Hi, I'm writing a query of my Version 4.5, I need a listing of TransactionType used in AR_TransactionPaymentHistory and what mathematical sign should be used with each in creating a report in Excel. I know about the following Transaction Types: I, P…