• Full Inventory Inventory List w/filters

    Hello fellow Sagers! Happy Holiday's or Merry Christmas! I need a report that shows all inventory items WITH "Inventory Cycle" and "Active/Inactive" status displayed. I have years of incorrect inventory items/status modifications that were entered and…
  • Unable print _Manual check and payment register_databace connector error

    Hello, There is error message on the Sage100 as shown below. How to fix the error? Thank you in advance for your help!
  • Error? Excel cannot open the file "xx" because the file format or file extension is not valid

    I need help with this error message. This particular file worked fine on Friday. Now, on Monday, it won't open. My other files seem to work just fine. I get this error: Excel cannot open the file "file name" because the file format or file extension…
  • BI Tools in Excel Keeps Disappearing

    I need BI Tools menu in Excel to export reports. It keeps disappearing from the tabs at the top. If it goes away, I have to reboot my whole computer to get it going again. Any help would be much appreciated. There are no warnings or dialogs that pop up…
  • Sage Intelligence Data Limit Reached in Excel

    I have a Consolidated Financial Statement that contains up to 30 companies. It appears to be hitting the data limit. I talked to Sage Support and they said that the data can be filtered to generate the report. I wanted to pull the last 2 years of history…