• DFDM Modifications to Allow UDT Field Lookups

    When viewing a multi-line field within DFDM I noticed that one of the UDF fields within the current table (AR_Customer) had a Nomads Tag that suggested I may be able to possibly manipulate a different multiline field to perform a lookup within a UDT.…
  • I can't seem to set an event for an item change

    I am trying to get an event trigger when an item quantity changes so I can perform a real time update in a UI. I have tried setting Post Write Events on IM_ItemWarehouse and IM_ItemTransactionHistory, but although I can see the DB Tables changing/updating…
  • Training Material and Certification recommendation for BOI and VB Scripting

    Hi All, I am very new to VB Scripting and BOI in Sage scripting, Is there any training material or certification which is recommended for the newbies, please advise and recommend. Thanks AJ
  • Paperless Office Input options - Possible to Scan or Attach a PDF to existing Customer Maintenance account?

    The question is: can Paperless Office receive scanned in documents and attach them to / associate them with a Customer Maintenance record? ..Or any other way to associate files with a Sage Customer account? Thanks very much!!!
  • Filter the look of UDT

    Hello all, I have a button script on repetitive invoice header which will pulls out a UDT. But what I want to do is not just pulls out the UDT, (cause it will show all the datas) but also filter the UDT values that shows only for this particular customer…
  • Trouble in write lines details to a UDT

    Hello, I have a script on cash receipt header table, post-write, will bring cash receipt header and detail to a UDT. It is working fine, EXCEPT, If there is more than one lines in the detail, it will only return the last line to the UDT. Only showing…
  • BOI Scripting Information

    Hi All, I was going through some old Sage Summit presentations and thought that these 2 sessions had a lot of great information that is still very useful. Enjoy! UsingBusinessObjectInterface_Begginer.pptx UsingBusinessObjectInterface_Advanced.pptx…