• User Defined Script causing an error

    I created the following script to populate ShipWeight$ in the CI_Item table when either of 2 UDF's are changed. I am now receiving an error 88 type mismatch (error window below). Any thoughts? START OF CODE Dim retVal Dim cpwgt Dim cpwgtstr Dim…
  • Button Script to Add Comment Line to GD_Lines Table in SO Invoice Data Entry

    From the Payment tab in SO Invoice Data Entry I have added a button with the caption "CC Receipt". Upon a user clicking this button I would like a comment (Item code /C) added to the next line number with details from the credit card. First I actually…
  • User Defined Fields Data

    We use UDFs on our Invoices to populate fields with both product codes and lot numbers. If those items are already part of the products invoiced, all is good. If we have to manually enter product codes or lot numbers, we have a weird issue. I'll try to…
  • Generate PDF from UDF and create save/email functions from Sales Order/Invoice Data Entry custom tab

    Hello everyone, I created an extra tab in Sales Order/Invoice Data Entry and I have a few questions: Most importantly, how can I use the data that's selected and inputted here to generate a PDF or other type of document? Each of these fields is built…
  • How to Reference Inherited Objects/Properties in Panel Script

    I'm trying to add an MS Script button to the SO Invoice Data Entry panel. In the script I need to access the LOCAL cCurrentPaymentTypeMethod$ property inherited from Class SO_CommonEntry_UI. Can this be done and, if so, how would it be coded?