• NetCore IIS scoped requests - Sage BOI - Cannot initiate multiple "SY_Session"

    HI All! We've put together a netcore API hosted on IIS for integrating with other tools we have. All of our services on the API are scoped to give the requests their own instances and dependencies. public static void AppServices(this IServiceCollection…
  • AR_NoSEDesktop - Cannot communicate with Sage Exchange Desktop 2.0.

    Verify the application is installed and running. Contact Sage 100 Customer Support if the problem persists Has anyone seen this error before? It is happening when I try to write a sales order with SO_SalesOrder. It happens on the nWrite. It actually…
  • Looking for C# code to search for SO

    Hey all, I’d like to look up a Sale Order using C#, any clues would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  • Getting error "Unable to select this batch. This batch was created in Invoice Data Entry." from SO_Shipping_BUS

    I am trying to create a new batch and use the SO_Shipping_BUS object to process a sales order automatically through Shipping Data Entry. The code works if I use SO_Invoice_BUS, but not for SO_Shipping_BUS. When I try to set the invoiceNo key, I get…