• PO Receipt of Goods - Set OriginalOrderQty on existing item

    As a follow-up/refinement to my previous question, I am wondering how to set the OriginalOrderQty on a line on a Receipt of Goods that I have entered by hand. In an effort to isolate my issue, I have created this PO ( here ) and this Receipt of Goods…
  • PO Receipt of Goods - Receiving existing line and adding new line not writing new line quantity

    I have a PO that I am receiving against. I want to receive part of the line that exists as well as add a new line. The existing line is received as expected. However, when I try to add the new line, it creates a line with the item code and unit cost…
  • Getting error "Unable to select this batch. This batch was created in Invoice Data Entry." from SO_Shipping_BUS

    I am trying to create a new batch and use the SO_Shipping_BUS object to process a sales order automatically through Shipping Data Entry. The code works if I use SO_Invoice_BUS, but not for SO_Shipping_BUS. When I try to set the invoiceNo key, I get…