• Payroll Tax Update

    Sage 100 Standard.PVX 2023 (Version (Payroll Version 32-bit Our office was just prompted to download and install a payroll tax update. We know we have to when the system interrupts our payroll processing with a notice stating "Checking…
  • Payroll Direct Deposit Fee Change

    I am trying to find out if anyone uses SAGE 100 Payroll Direct Deposit (Isolved) for payroll? If so did you encounter a change in fees your client's are paying? We ran a payroll today and noticed an increase. Thank you so much for any information…
  • Refunding Pretax deduction v2.22.2

    When generating a check for ONLY a pretax deduction refund, the refund taxes are not being calculated. If I add a earnings line and pay a penny, the taxes generate properly (but I have overpaid the former employee by a penny). KB 96467 suggested adding…
  • Incorrect Direct Deposit Information Showing Pay Stub

    Incorrect direct deposit account information is showing on several employees' pay stubs. However, the ACH file reports the correct account information. These employees have multiple direct deposit accounts. However, not all employees with multiple direct…
  • Historic tax rates for EPSLS and Sick to correct data entry error

    Hello, We just discovered that 2 hours of Sick time were entered as EPSLS on a paycheck in first quarter of this year. According to Sage Payroll Tax Updates , there haven't been any tax rate changes in California or Federal since 01/01/2022. We're hoping…
  • Job Cost Retention Invoicing while using BT/ST

    We would like to use Job Cost Retention in Sage 100 Premium 2021, but currently Sage does not support the Bill-To/Sold-To (BT/ST) feature within Job Cost (which we need because all our jobs requiring Retention bill to a GC or third party). Adding Job…
  • Deposit Payments

    I have a large job in job cost that I will be receiving payments in the form of draws, many ahead of any invoicing to the customer to secure custom material orders. How can I receive the payment in without an invoice number so that it is reflected in…
  • Job Billing Date Entry

    In Sage 100, computer time was posted to a project. The time was billed yet continues to show up under the project each month as you process billing. I have tried to remove it, and it still shows up. I then tried to do an job posting adjustment, only…
  • Payroll deduction rate/amount field in Employee Maintenance

    For 401K/Pension deduction type. Why would this field in Employee Maintenance change to 0 after year-end processing for all employees? Is there a setting that needs changing? Payroll 2.22.0 / Sage 100 2021 PU2
  • ICYMI: Sage Publishes Year End FAQ for Sage 100

    In case you missed it ( ICYMI ) - Sage has posted a year-end FAQ that is specific for the year 2021 ( this is not a repost of prior year info ) -- it's worth a read and answers many questions about year-end processing for 2021 Year-End FAQ for Sage…
  • Do you HAVE to update to the latest Sage Payroll version?

    Do you HAVE to update to the latest Sage Payroll version at year-end? We are currently on Sage 2019 Payroll version 2.21.0. Payroll version 2.22 is available to download....do you have to update before running the first payroll of 2022? Another question…
  • Payroll Tax Update Error Message

    We are getting a message stating that "A payroll tax update is avaialble, but it cannot proceed because a payroll run is in progress in Payroll Data Entry." There is a More Info link that lists three company codes as having pending payroll data entry…
  • UC Rate Adjustment

    How do I add the new state UC Rate to begin 1/1/2022? I know you go into Payroll/Setup/Company Tax Group Setup but once I do and chose our Tax Group it won't let me click on Tax Rates. Thank you.
  • Will 401k deduction automatically calculate up the $$ goal set up in employee maintenance?

    Will 401k deduction automatically calculate up the $$ goal set up in employee maintenance? Or do I need to uncheck or turn off the deduction when at/near maximum allowed?
  • "This option cannot be changed while A/R Invoice Entry is in process"

    I received this error in Accounts Receivable module and I cannot seem to find any knowledgebase article that directs me on how to remedy this. Anyone else had this issue? In this instance, all batches are closed and none are outstanding in the Invoice…
  • Handling for Gift Cards

    I have a client that is going to give their employees gift cards. Has anyone set gift cards as an earnings code? What tax rule did you use? Did you do it as a separate payroll? Thanks, Suzanne.
  • SS wages different from W3 to total of 941s in 2020

    Have a client who was informed by the IRS that her SS wages on her W3 differed from her 941s by about 44K. My first thought was COVID, but they only paid about 13K in COVID wages. She has been through the W2s compared to the Quarterly Report YTD for each…
  • Time Track not selecting for Job Cost

    Client on 2019 and only wants to integrate between TT and JC. I have integration to PR turned off for TT. TT has 906 records, all of which have an N for the JC and PR updated flags. Yet when I run the Selection in JC, nothing is selected, with ALL criteria…
  • Aatrix Viewer error "Error Initialzing"

    2021.2 upgrade from 2017. No one on any workstation NOR the server can run an Aatrix form. (Any form). I have uninstalled, reinstalled, installed for the first time where no one had ever accessed payroll before, manually updated from Aatrix's website…
  • Partial Payment adjustment in a closed quarter

    We are currently using 2019 Sage 100 v2.21.2.0 and I need some help. Through the payroll module we pay various bonus types that are contingent on the employee working for a specified time frame or they may have to repay a pro rated amount back. One…
  • Cost Code Populating

    I have a client who was on SAGE 2017 and using Timecard. They upgraded to SAGE 2020 and Payroll 2.20. They do not want to use Time Track .Is there anyway when they enter the Job Number in payroll it will populate the Cost Code?
  • Correct Social Security Number

    How can I Correct an Employees social Security Number that was entered incorrectly?
  • Time Track double punches

    Has anyone come across Time Track double punches and is there a way in Sage to keep this from happening: For example: Thanks!
  • 941 June 2021 Worksheet 5 COBRA Credit line 1e calculation error?

    941 June 2021 Worksheet 5 COBRA Premium Assistance Credit. Line 1e instruction is to subtract line 1d from 1c. Aatrix is adding 1d to 1c.
  • Tax Rule for Pre Tax Deduction Student Loan Section 127

    The only Tax Rule I see to use is EE Loan Deduction and after process this deduction is did