• Time Difference In Query

    Does anyone have the syntax on how to perform a time difference in a Sage Query? Here is an example query: SELECT "SO_SalesOrderHistoryHeader"."SalesOrderNo", "SO_SalesOrderHistoryHeader"."CustomerNo", "SO_SalesOrderHistoryDetail"."ItemCode", "SO_SalesOrderHistoryDetail…
  • SSRS Date Parameters

    I am attempting to build a report for SSRS using Visual Studio. I have a query that is returning results, and the report is functioning perfectly. However, the end user decided they wanted a date range selector on this report. I have done this hundreds…
  • ErrorMessage: Input string was not in a correct format

    Hello, After I run a job it shows that all the inserts and updates were failed. Almost all the error message (which I could see in 'Transaction Errors') say that 'Input string was not in a correct format'. I want to know how can I get to know…
  • Getting current year, current month

    Hello, I am working on some query and part of the query needs me to select all the records from AR_CustomerSalesHistory table with FiscalYear equivalent to current year. I have tried these and some other combinations: SELECT * FROM AR_CustomerSalesHistory…
  • Complex Query

    Hello, I am new to the world of Sage ERP. I have designed this query and it works fine in SQL: SELECT o1.*, ( Select isnull(SUM(D002_DollarsRented)+SUM(DollarsSold),0) FROM openquery(TESTSWRMAS, 'select * from AR_CustomerSalesHistory') o2 WHERE…
  • How to Create a Crystal Report based on a Union Query for SO_InvoiceHeader + SO_InvoiceDetail to AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader + AR_InvoiceHistoryDetail

    I am trying to create a Crystal Report that unites the data from SO_InvoiceHeader + SO_InvoiceDetail to AR_InvoiceHistoryHeader + AR_InvoiceHistoryDetail. I believe the best way is to use a Union Query in Access and so I have created 1 Query for each…