• Button Script to Add Comment Line to GD_Lines Table in SO Invoice Data Entry

    From the Payment tab in SO Invoice Data Entry I have added a button with the caption "CC Receipt". Upon a user clicking this button I would like a comment (Item code /C) added to the next line number with details from the credit card. First I actually…
  • SO Invoice Data Entry: Button Script to get Invoice No from an SO No

    I have added a button script to the SO Invoice Data Entry MAIN panel and was wanting to make looking up an invoice that has already been batched a little quicker. Essentially, instead of the user typing the invoice # they would type the sales order…
  • How to get Child or sub file (table) level data from Sage VB Script

    Hi All, I need to display a message box on Shipping Data Entry interface. I can get data from "SO Sales Order Header" and "SO Shipping Data Entry" and "Customer....". On Custom Office using trigger of " "SO Shipping Data Entry" " and Pre-Write. …
  • Need help with a script invoked on the button click to validate the customer's open invoices

    Hi friends, We have a business requirement to have a vb script that would pop up a message box on the sales order entry as soon as we tab out of customer no field or set as a user-invoked button. If the customer has any open invoices that are past…
  • Custom Panels Disappeared, need help!

    Hello, We have added many panel customizations including additional tabs, buttons with scripts, etc that are important for many of our users. I was just resizing a field in customizer, and when I went to exit the customizer an error popped up saying…
  • VB Script - Disable Fields - Date UDF

    I wrote a script to disable and enable certain UDF's based on certain conditions. These UDF's have different data types. when the script runs apart from the Date type UDF all others get disabled and enabled properly. Is there a special syntax to control…
  • Price Level Description on Price Level List Lookup

    We have some standard price level codes we use that are set up for each item, if you are a wholesaler you get X price, MSRP has its own price code, etc. The descriptions for these codes are universal, W always would be described as wholesaler for example…