• Sage intelligence add functions

    SI has a function for "GLActual" that nets the debits and credits. Is it possible to add 2 different functions to get the debit and credit separately? the data exists in the actuals currently included sub report.
  • Excel is not populating all of the data.

    I have an Intelligence report generating and excel document. There are several sheets. One sheet in particular stops populating part of the records at line 3000. The other sheets populate just fine past the 3000 line. This sheet has 8 columns of data…
  • CASE Statement WHEN add multiple fields

    I am looking for a CASE statement to replace an excel formula. Excel formula would be: =IF(TDMMYY="0816",(N2+O2),IF(TDMMYY="0916",(N2+O2+P2),IF(TDMMYY="1016",(N2+O2+P2+Q2)))) The one I'm trying that is failing is: CASE WHEN "CI_UDT_ITEM_SALES_PROJ…