• Has anyone had issues with a paystub not reflecting all the hours paid?

    We have an employee that recieved their paystub for only 5 hours, but they were paid for 59 hours. Anyone else have this issue? It has happened on 2 of their stubs.
  • Sage payroll 2.x year end

    Any idea if/when the year end center will have relevant info for payroll Sage 100 2.x? Everything I've looked at refers to the legacy payroll, but maybe I'm missing something? Looking for FAQ's or year end check lists.
  • Payroll Data Entry 2.18 script

    Looking for a way to generate an alert during data entry when a pay rate is keyed that is greater than X amount over employee's pay rate 1. The alert is just for confirmation and would display the employee pay rate 1 and the value that was keyed. We frequently…
  • BOI with PR : Cant figure out how to add detail lines to pr_payroll

    Hi all! I'm working with the new BOI capable PR module and having trouble sorting out how to add detail lines. I seem to have worked out creating a transaction, at least the batch I create does end up with an entry for the employee I am adding to…