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  • Purchase Request Auto Signature, how to stop this?

    Scenario: User JOHN creates a new purchase request PR, on the signature user assignment he is the first to sign PR. After creating the PR, the PR is automatically signed. I suppose this comes from the actions in the workflow that fires when the PR…
  • Purchase order for multiple Work Orders

    Is there a way to allocate a purchase order to more than one work order? I only see the Work Order option at the top of the PO. I'd like it available by line item, if possible. I can't be the only company that issues one purchase order to a vendor…
  • How do i use knowledge sync to automatically create purchase orders base on inventory amounts?

    Hi All, Our company recently purchased knowledge sync (Sage Alerts and Workflow), and i was wondering if it was possible to automate the purchase order creation process based on if specific items are below the reorder point and if its inventory cycle…
  • Workflow Question = Production Tracking

    Hello, I have a question with workflow. Basically, I'm trying to set up a workflow in the event that the amount tracked from the MTK object is either 5% above or below the expected quantity. Ex. If 36 units are expected, and only 30 are made (80%),…