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  • Illustrated guide to tracing/debugging Sage X3 Report Server

    You are running a report from Sage X3, but it is not behaving as you expect. What debugging or tracing is available to help investigate further? I should say first that much of my discussions in this article are covered in the online help article “…
  • How to activate a SQL Server trace from X3

    Have you wanted to be able to run a SQL Server profiler trace and initiate it directly from X3? In this blog we will look at where the option is to let us do this. We will look at the options available to include in the trace as well as where to go to…
  • SQL Server Profiler Primer

    Hello all. In this blog I will provide an overview of an invaluable tool that should be in your toolkit. This tool has been packaged with SQL Server for a long time. The tool is SQL Server Profiler. SQL Server comes with a great tool to help troubleshoot…
  • Trace lors de l'utilisation des écrans employés / Trace when using employee screens

    Bonjour, Les écrans employés permettent la modification unitaire ou en masse de données, mais il n'y a pas de trace de ce qui est fait. Pouvez-vous prévoir en standard, a minima, d'avoir la liste des données saisies, et dans l'idéal, les valeurs avant…
  • How to detect if there is an error on a Import on code using Call IMPORTSIL () from GIMPOBJ

    I am creating a Credit Note or Debit Memo under certain circumstances using: Call IMPORTSIL ("YBIC",filpath("TMP",YFILENAME,"TXT)) from GIMPOBJ If everything works OK a message is displayed for each Credit Note or Debit Memo created and that is fine…
  • Ferme Trace killing a trace file

    So, I am seeing some odd behavior and not sure what is going on. I have an open trace file, write to it, and then close it with ferme_trace . Somewhere in ferme_trace the file is being deleted from the TRA directory. Cannot debug ferme_trace since LECFIC…