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  • SQL Requester Limitations? Not so much

    OK This isn't a question, more a handy workaround. I worked up a SQL query in the MS SQL interface on the server and it was working well (the idea was an expanded "trial kitting" report for subcontract BoMs to be able to model how much we would need to…
  • Call stored procedure using a button on Customer Maintenance

    We're looking to build a function to push newly entered customer data (for new account setups) out to an external database for one of our in-house programs (both Sage and external are on SQL 2016). What our developer is suggesting is using a stored procedure…
  • Error 504 - Missing Parameters - Stored Procedure

    I have a stored procedure and crystal report I created. I have reviewed the permissions on the stored procedure and the schema. When I run the report in PILOT and also in PRODUCTION, I get the same message: Job 47636 - ERR 504 coming from the edition…
  • Using a Table-Valued User-Defined Function to return data

    This article has been triggered by a question from a customer asking about alternatives to using views for returning data into the interface. They wanted to know whether views were the only way in which data can be accessed. I have looked at the use…
  • The Workflow Rule Action - Run Stored Procedure

    The system administration guide discusses the workflow action 'run stored procedure'. This article expands on the information contained in the documentation. A workflow rule action of type 'run stored procedure' can be created very simply just like…
  • Working with a Stored Procedure that returns a result set.

    I have discussed calling Stored Procedures from within Sage CRM before in the the article " Using the COM CRM.CreateQueryObj() to call a Stored Procedure ". From that article it can be seen that it is possible to call stored procedures where ever a QueryObject…
  • The Sage CRM StoredProc Data Type

    In the default system the StoredProc datatype is used to generate the reference id values for Case_referenceid Soln_referenceid When a new record is created, these columns invoke a call to the a Stored procedure called: eware_default_values.…
  • Using the COM CRM.CreateQueryObj() to call a Stored Procedure.

    Below is some code that illustrates how a Stored Procedure maybe invoked in the QueryObject. var strSQL = "DECLARE @@ret int"; strSQL += " EXEC @@ret=eware_get_identity_id 'notes'"; strSQL += " INSERT notes"; strSQL += " (note_noteid,note_foreigntableid…
  • Lead uploaded via Data Upload but not given Incremental ID

    Hi, Some background to the issue; We've altered our eware_default_values Stored Procedure to assigned custom incremental ID's to Leads. When creating a lead through CRM it assigns an incremental ID. However, the Leads created via Data Import do not…
  • EVariantTypeCastError: Could not convert variant of type (OleStr) into type (Boolean) Error

    We're using Sage 7.2e and are getting an error when accessing the Communication tab from Opportunity Summary. It's since I created a stored procedure that executes when the communication table is updated. Got a trigger on the communication table in…
  • Opportunity ID Incremental Number ID

    Hi, We're looking to have incremental ID's for our Opportunities, similar to that of Case & Solution. I'm wondering if it's possible to, after having created a field on the opportunity entity call OppoRefID which will use a stored procedure. To then…
  • EXECUTE SQL stored procedure

    Hoping someone can help me with this. I am probably making it harder than it needs to be.... I want to place a button on an ASP page to launch a SQL stored procedure. I successfully put the button on my page as follows.... var strCallSyncButton =…
  • Stored Proc Created Communications not syncing to Exchange

    I have a stored procedure that gets called by a workflow escalation rule. If this is fired it creates a ToDo task. This all works perfectly. My issue is these tasks are not syncing to Exchange. My stored procedure is below. Any help is appreciated. …
  • Import data to custom entity from an XML file

    Hi, I am using Sage CRM v7.2. I have to import data from an XML file to my custom entity. I noticed that Sage CRM doesnt support importing for custom entities. Is importing data in SQL server directly to my "Custom entity " table the most effective…
  • Creating an appointment automatically

    Hi all, We are looking into way of triggering an automated appointment creation based on selection. For example: If I create a new appointment in sage CRM 7.1 and select "Holiday" as the action. Complete all relevant details on for the appointment…
  • table with stored procedure field

    Hi all, I have a problem with run and stored procedure field of table, No run of workflow rule. I created a new field of stored procedure type in company table. My objective is to get the number of opportunities open by current company, and display…
  • XP_CMDSHELL in Component

    Good Morning Community, I find myself in need of running a batch file from within a component. I have found the RunSQL command and know of the XP_CMDSHELL procedure in SQL, which runs a command line in command prompt. The command is to be used to run…
  • I was wondering if anyone has information on calling SQL stored procedures from within X3 code?

    I have a stored procedure I would like to call to populate a work table as a preprocessor to an SQL client requester. Syntax would be helpful. Thanks SQL stored procedure call from X3
  • How to explore Sage tables for reporting purposes (Office Connector and Crystal Reports)

    I am starting out on Sage 300 Construction and Real Estate. Timberline/Sage is installed and I have a username and password to access the system. I can also connect via Office Connector to the data and therefore have an data connection string. I would…