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  • Fixed assets error : "Operation impossible. The ""fiscal & accounting"" context of the company must have been defined beforehand"

    Operation impossible. The ""fiscal & accounting"" context of the company must have been defined beforehand
  • Packaging Consumption in Work Orders

    I'm looking for ideas as to the best way to consume packaging in work orders. We sell products in various packaging....totes, drums, pails, etc. Currently the packaging is relieved from inventory at time of sales invoicing.....packaging codes are…
  • Fixed Assets inventory

    Hi, In v6.5 i had GESIOP and GESIPA functions to make inventory of Fixed Assets Management. In v7u9 and v11 versions, it seems those functions are not available . Basic functions of Fixed Assets Modules are still there, my question is about inventory…
  • Attach pictures to sales invoice - several pictures at once.

    Hi there, I have been attaching images in sales invoices in the Attachment section of the Invoice record, it takes time to do but in the long run when we have more images then one. Question: When attaching the Images I have to do them one at a time…
  • Error on Setup > User - Pilot FOLDER

    Hello all, When I am in the PILOT folder trying to access Setup> Users, "GESAUS" function, the system presents this error: Error only on PILOT folder. I'm using Admin user, this started happening after validating the menu in the function…