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    For some reason quite often when i do a receipt of goods invoice a few days later the invoice shows for $0 with lines "0" invoiced. I do multiple invoices in batches and i always make sure that the quantity being invoiced matches what we received and…
  • Is it possible to print AP checks by batch? Or is there a different solution?

    Our client enters their AP Invoices by batch. They also want to Select and Print their checks by batch. When I go to Invoice Payment Selection, by batch is not one of the choices. Is this possible? I cannot seem to find this option and am wondering what…
  • AP Batch Processing

    When I go into AP setup options> entry there is no option to enable batch processing. It's blank... but the option is there in another company we have. I looked at both side by side and the only difference is how long we retain history. Help?!