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  • Library Record Creation - Sage 2017 R2 - SOAP /WEBSERVICES - Question

    All, Thanks for taking the time to read this. I have an issue with creating a library record via web services. AIM : Create a library Record -> Populate fields with data. Sample Code: ewarebase[] CRMBase = new ewarebase[1];//Allows reference…
  • SData2 Query won't work with startindex at anything other than 1

    I have an SData2 query that works fine for the first page of the pagination, but gives me a bad request for any query where startindex doesn't equal 1. The query is: opportunity?where=oppo_mydatefield%20ge%20@2016-09-01@%20and%20oppo_mydatefield%20le…
  • sData Query - URL format

    Hi There - I don't know if this group is still active, I'm having trouble trying to query resources by date. For instance, using this query to get sales orders:*** /SO_SalesOrderHeader The query parameters I've tried: …