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  • Escalation Rule that runs only during normal business hours

    If you want your escalation rule to run only during certain period of time, you can add the following to your existing SQL clause: (... existing SQL triggering clause) AND datepart(hour, current_timestamp)<'18' AND datepart(hour, current_timestamp)>'7…
  • Paramétrage de notifications workflow vers Gmail

    Bonjour, Savez-vous s'il est possible de configurer l'envoi de notifications de workflow, vers la messagerie Google ? J'ai tenté l'ajout du serveur et du port SMTP Gmail dans les Valeurs paramètres SUP > WRK > SERMES ainsi que dans le module Adminitration…
  • Re-send a workflow notification email after a certain time

    Hey folks, I'm looking to resend a (ideally all) workflow notifications that have not been signed after a certain number of days. Is there a straightforward way in workflows that I'm missing? Thanks!