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  • Purchase Request Auto Signature, how to stop this?

    Scenario: User JOHN creates a new purchase request PR, on the signature user assignment he is the first to sign PR. After creating the PR, the PR is automatically signed. I suppose this comes from the actions in the workflow that fires when the PR…
  • Paramétrage de notifications workflow vers Gmail

    Bonjour, Savez-vous s'il est possible de configurer l'envoi de notifications de workflow, vers la messagerie Google ? J'ai tenté l'ajout du serveur et du port SMTP Gmail dans les Valeurs paramètres SUP > WRK > SERMES ainsi que dans le module Adminitration…
  • Re-send a workflow notification email after a certain time

    Hey folks, I'm looking to resend a (ideally all) workflow notifications that have not been signed after a certain number of days. Is there a straightforward way in workflows that I'm missing? Thanks!