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  • Simply Accounting 8.5B database repair before upgrade

    I need some contacts for help to repair our Simply Accounting 8.5B database before we proceed to upgrade to the current version of Sage. I spoke to Sage Support and they indicated they have a "Repair for Conversion" service to repair the company file…
  • SQL Database corruption

    While trying to restore a SQL server backup for one of our Sage databases, the process returned a restore error. Upon research i found out that the DB may have been corrupted. What can be done to recover from this? Priti
  • Business Vision 7.53 - Error 000002 - GL.btr - also fails when rebuilding

    So I had a some power issues last week on the server, fixed that but it seems GL.BTR is corrupt. (i think) Basically cant post invoices. The error is in GL.BTR Tried this:…