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  • The Bank code and Bank currency combination does not match

    "The combination of bank code and bank currency for the entry does not match that for the batch. They must be the same." Receiving this error when posting a batch. Any help? The bank is setup as multicurrency but with FJD as default currency Thanks…
  • Ability to enter bank charges in base receipts and payments

    The ability to enter bank charges is excluded from the base currency which for most people will be sterling. My base currency however is USD and as you try to internationalise this product, there will be more customers whose base curency is non-sterling…
  • Intercompany Bank Transfers

    Hello, Can anyone tell me how to do the intercompany bank transfers in X3. For an example i have 2 companies in my X3. One company in USD and other in EUR. One company transferring money to other company and exchange gain/loss also involve. Eri…