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  • Setting Zones in Sage X3

    Hey All, My company has purchased a wave picking function in Datalinx. During our first brainstorming session we've brought up Zones(zoning our warehouse). We believe we need to set zones as we go down this road. Problem is where to start? My question…
  • Workflow Action Update fields

    I need assistance developing this workflow. What I'm trying to accomplish: When a customer return is created, I need the workflow to look at a TSICOD(1) and if it = 003, I need to update the lines of that return. The trigger works, so I can…
  • Purchase Request workflow

    I am trying to prevent the signature circuit from restarting when the supplier is set or changed. Most of the end users will not know or care who the supplier is during the initial stages of the request. However, the purchaser is required to assign…