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  • Automatically Distributing Lot Number in S/O Invoice Data Entry through Visual Integrator

    Hello All, I've been trying for the last two months to figure out a way to automatically distribute lot numbers by FIFO in S/O invoice data entry using visual integrator. We don't create a sales order before creating the invoice. Each of our inventory…
  • Invoice Register Error

    Hello I am using VI to import invoices into invoce date entry. The import works fine-but when I hit print in order to post, it prints and then runs into an error. The error logs only lists the invoice numbers as the error. I dont know what the system…
  • Invoice with multiple lineitems with different dates in AP import (via VI module)

    Questions: 1) Please suggest how can we create AP invoice with different dates for details within and success import their via VI module? 2) Please suggest how can we add lines (details) to existing AP invoice via VI module? Description: Our…