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  • connect ETIMEDOUT when printing report

    Reference: If Print Server was already set in stone for a long time (ref link assumed connectivity…
  • Establecer el tiempo de espera para la llamada de descanso de los servicios web utilizando ASYRRESTCLI.EXEC_REST_WS

    Al lanzar una petición vía servicio web REST con la instrucción ASYRRESTCLI.EXEC_REST_WS contra un Endpoint de terceros, necesito controlar un tiempo determinado en el que, si el Endpoint no responde, salir de la llamada y devolver el error por TimeOut…
  • User sessions unexpectedly timeout or give "Fatal Error"

    There have been several issues raised recently whereby user sessions are giving intermittent "Fatal error" messages or are timing out even though the users are still working within Sage X3. Some of these sorts of issues can be technical, but some may…