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  • How to prevent report overwrite with sandbox?

    Hi all, I have this situation below. I generate new sandbox to send to customer. In the sandbox, I have few reports, lets say Report A, B, and C. Report A and B is not modified on this sandbox. So lets say report A and B is version 1. I only modified…
  • Getting started with X3 Storage Areas

    In this blog, I will show you how to allow X3 to access certain locations outside of X3 folders. These locations can be useful to store documents, readme files, etc. Essentially, there are two steps that are involved to set up. Actually, three steps,…
  • Generate DBScripts for Add-on

    Hi is there any easy way to generate sql script from a lot of tables? this sql script will be included in sandbox as DBScript. so far I am writing spcreatecolumn, spcreatetable line by line. Thank you. I appreciate your help.
  • Sandbox configuration file (configRuntime.json)

    Hi: I have a doubt. Can i use a maped network drive in the sandbox file? I'm trying this: { "path": "K:\\TARIC\\TARIC", "writable": true, "extensions": [ "*" ] } The "K" network drive is pointed to a UNC path: \\DGGDC\K It doesn't work, but i…