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  • Sage Bank Feeds - Common Questions

    We've put together a consolidated list of the common questions and provided guidance and answers to each. Click on each for further detail. Re-Enter Credentials or Sage Bank Feed Account requires authorization Sorry, we are unable to process your…
  • Sage Bank Feeds - Missing transactions or transactions are not up to date.

    I have successfully connected my account and transactions have started pulling through, but I am missing a few transactions from when I linked the account, or they are not up to date. Why is this happening? If you find that you have missing transactions…
  • Sage Bank Feeds - Manually refreshing transactions

    I have selected to manually refresh my transactions, but they do not pull through when I attempt to manually refresh or fetch them. What could be the problem? We currently do not provide for the option to manually refresh your transactions through…
  • Sage Bank Feeds - Cannot see most recent transactions

    I don't see my most recent transactions. What could be the problem? Yodlee syncs with your bank account once per day to pull any new and processed transactions. Sage Bank Feeds then syncs with Yodlee at three scheduled intervals during the day…
  • Sage Bank Feeds - Sorry, we are unable to process your request

    When I try to link a bank account, I get an error message saying "We are unable to process your request." What is the problem? If you are an Apple and Safari user, please download the Google Chrome browser, and log into Sage Accounting using this…
  • Sage Banking Cloud - Re-Enter Credentials or Sage Bank Feed Account requires authorization

    Despite successfully linking my bank account to Sage Bank Feeds previously, I am now being asked to re-enter the credentials for my account. Why is this happening? It is a standard message that appears when a multi-factor authentication bank account…
  • Product Update | Sage Accounting Release 4.3.0 - 05/11/2020

    At Sage, we’re committed to helping your business thrive by providing you with software that continues to support your business. And now, more than ever, has it highlighted the importance of always being in control and connected to your business with…