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  • Changing the FIFO dates in X3. Manually.

    Currently when product is received into X3 to any location it is tagged with a receipt date. This is the date that travels with the product and drives the FIFO order for each product. Is there a way to manually FIFO inventory to give more versatility…
  • Consolidated Bills with ALL invoice numbers appearing on bills??

    I am working with TS 2016. I have a two-part question. 1) When I do a master/sub-client consolidated bill, the sub-client invoice number prints, and reprints, as the master client's invoice number, even though it shows it's own invoice number. For example…
  • What size/resolution logo for Maintain Report Formats?

    Hi - I need to change our logo on our internal reports (Through Maintain Report Formats) and the last time I did it we were worried about Y2K.... What are the recommended sizes in Pixels and/or Inches for the JPGs?? Our logo is approximately 1…