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  • how to set and retrieve the bank account of a vendor?

    In sage 300 I can define the bank code: A/P -> A/P vendors --> Processing tab -->Bank Code However I couldn't find a way to set nor retrieve the bank account. Is there a way to do so in the application / via the RESTful API?
  • How to filter OptionalFields collection via Sage 300 WebAPI

    Hello, I was trying to perform some oData filter on the ReceiptOptionalField2s collection but the return from Web APi is: statusCode: 400 { "error": { "code": "InvalidParameters", "message": { "lang": "en-US", "value": "The request parameters are…
  • Sage 300 Web API: How to filter item by field in Sage.CA.SBS.ERP.Sage300.AP.WebApi.Models.Invoice?

    Hi All, I want to get only the specific invoice by DocumentNumber in Sage.CA.SBS.ERP.Sage300.AP.WebApi.Models.Invoice, but failed. I try to use the $Filter field => DocumentNumber eq 'IN00000000000000000031' but I just got error
  • API: OE with Ship all and Post Invoice

    Hi all, I try to add new Order Entry with ship all & auto create invoice using API with the following json {"CustomerNumber":"2347", "OrderDetails":[{"LineNumber":0, "Item":"A11030", "QuantityOrdered":10 , "PriceList":"WHS"}], "ShipmentNumber": "CASH0003…
  • Sage 300 web api not uploading data

    I can do GET operations, but attempts to do POST appear to have the data ( curl -d element) stripped or munged by the time they get to the Sage engine. If I do ARInvoiceBatches, for instance, it will create an empty Batch with no batch data and no attached…