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  • Import Unit Cost for Inventory Adjustments with the COM API

    I'm trying to import the Unit Cost field among others for Inventory adjustments via the COM Interface. For some reason this one field likes to remain at 0.00 even when making a positive adjustment with a value greater than 0.00. Here is an example of…
  • An error occurred while importing! This happened for Field Name: EmpEE Fld5-Calc Name

    In the managedCOM I used BOEmployees.LoadAll to pull down an employee I had previously entered. With out editing anything, i saved it back into the COM using BOEmployee.SaveAll. I get this error off of importer.Import(): System.Runtime.InteropServices…
  • C# GetApplication returns null with Peachtree 2008

    I am creating an automated import of Purchase Invoices for a client who is using Peachtree 2008 Premier, and I've downloaded Sage 50 2016.0 SDK. I'm using the credentials that were provided when I downloaded the SDK and the function returns NULL. When…
  • BOI Error on SO_SalesOrder_bus NewObject

    I am hoping someone can steer me in the correct direction. I trying to get an MVC script to enter a sales order. As far as I understand it (I do not have much experience in BOI) I need an instance of the SO_SalesOrder_bus. The problem occurs when I try…