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  • Connectivity problem with Excel

    Hi, MS released an update this past weekend and it seems to have affected connections to excel. I was wondering if anybody else has experienced this. Before the MS updates our macros were programmed to connect to Excel with Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0…
  • How to capture the data returned wSDBSelectRecords in sage 50 2016 CA SDK with Visual Basic .NET?

    I´m using ConnectionManagerService.dll and I am using the function wSDBSelectRecords with this syntax: Call wSDBSelectRecords(iDBLink, iTBLink, "", 0, True) But I do not know how to capture the data you are going to select in a DataTable. I´m Working…
  • How do you keep from having to 'allow access' every time you run your app?

    I have an Application ID and I can start a new session and open our production company, but every time I (or anyone) runs this c# .net app it always says that I have to open Sage and allow access. I open Sage and select 'Always Allow' but we have to do…