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  • How to set date range for customer export? sage50 api question.

    Im exporting sage50 customer details in this code. Please let me know how can I set date range to the exporter object so that will pull only contact updates within certain dates. Code- exporter = (Export)ptApp.CreateExporter(PeachwIEObj.peachwIEObjContactsList…
  • Add payments to invoices added through the SalesJournal?

    I am using the .NET SDK (C#) to export invoices and payments of those invoices from my own database into Sage50. I managed to create invoices (payment type = pay later) in the Sage50 db using the SalesJournal class. I now need to add payments for…
  • Need a code demo for Shipping Rate Detail Creation

    Hello Experts! Could you please give a code demo about how to create Shipping Rate Detail? I knew how to create a Shipping Rate: oSS.GetType().InvokeMember("nSetProgram", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, oSS, new object[] { TaskID…