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  • automatically recalc prices on all sales orders

    Hi Folks, my company has to changes prices on a number of items on a somewhat regular basis, every month or so. having someone open each sales order that those items are on to hit the "recalc" button is a huge time spend. is there a way to create…
  • How to Launch "Daily Sales Reports/Updates" in a script

    I located KB 19387 which describes how to create a batch file to run a VI import program. The routine requires the name of the the VI job which is readily available on the job listing and panel. I'm thinking I could use the same/similar batch file format…
  • Log who printed Picking Sheet

    I am trying to create a script that writes the current user key when the user prints the picking sheet. Has anyone done this before? My script doesn't appear to work and I am unsure which event I should use to accomplish. My code is below: retVal…
  • How to Reference Inherited Objects/Properties in Panel Script

    I'm trying to add an MS Script button to the SO Invoice Data Entry panel. In the script I need to access the LOCAL cCurrentPaymentTypeMethod$ property inherited from Class SO_CommonEntry_UI. Can this be done and, if so, how would it be coded?
  • Custom Script to Run with AP Posts

    I need an executable to run when the client Posts AP Batch to the Invoice Register. I cant add a user defined script to the AP Invoice Registry screen because i cant get to it with Customizer. Is there a way to get around this?
  • Script "if" placement

    I have a script that works unless the field "UDF_EXCH_RATE" is zero. (default value is .000000) Where do I place the "if" statement to get it to work? tmpAmt = 0 : tmpExchange = 0 retVal = oBusObj.GetValue("ExtensionAmt",tmpAmt) retVal = oBusObj…
  • Screen Layouts - SOH1 in particular...

    I'm trying to insert a new block into the SOH1 screen, but no matter how I set the positions they are not interpreted the same way the function help describes (using the "grill"). Given these 3 blocks: BP, Position 1.1, line 1, col 2, sequence 5…
  • Run a script when invoice is created from AR Repetitive Invoice Selection

    Hi, We have a script on Invoice detail which sets the Extension Amount on the line, the current trigger for this script is "Column-Post Validate" on "ItemCode". But when we generate invoices using AR Repetitive Invoice Selection, the script doesn't…