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  • VB Script to compare and update the date values for 2 date fields

    Hi I have a business requirement, where we have a Date Field1 and Date Field2 , while entry of the details data, Field1 will get the date auto defaulted from the header date field. And Field2 will be blank . Later when there is an update on the Date…
  • Can you trigger a script to open Customer Inquiry when clicking on Totals tab in SO Invoice Data Entry?

    I am not well versed in scripting, but I know it can do a lot of wonderful things. I'm hoping this will be possible. I have a customer that creates credit memos but they do not always apply them. They would like a way to checking their customer's invoices…
  • Trigger script during SO detail line addition

    On Sage 100 Advanced 2018: I have added a UDF checkbox to CI_Item and SO_SalesOrderDetail, linked so that when a new item is added to the Lines grid the default checkbox state from CI_Item is auto populated. If the value in CI_Item is checked I don…
  • VB/.Net (BOI syntax) to VBScript (UDS) syntax for calling Custom Report

    Hi everyone, I see many examples of processing a report in BOI, like this one . But all of them are VB/.NET or C#. Could someone please help me translate the syntax to UDS work with Events like Column_PostValidate? Below is Bret's example of Previewing…
  • Script to transfer data to secondary company

    Is it possible to write data into different company within some Sage 100 company. For Example add a button on Sales Order Entry to copy order to secondary company. I know how to do it outside of Sage with a script but not sure if session to different…
  • automatically recalc prices on all sales orders

    Hi Folks, my company has to changes prices on a number of items on a somewhat regular basis, every month or so. having someone open each sales order that those items are on to hit the "recalc" button is a huge time spend. is there a way to create…
  • How to Launch "Daily Sales Reports/Updates" in a script

    I located KB 19387 which describes how to create a batch file to run a VI import program. The routine requires the name of the the VI job which is readily available on the job listing and panel. I'm thinking I could use the same/similar batch file format…
  • Log who printed Picking Sheet

    I am trying to create a script that writes the current user key when the user prints the picking sheet. Has anyone done this before? My script doesn't appear to work and I am unsure which event I should use to accomplish. My code is below: retVal…
  • Set freight amount

    Hi all, First script first post. Task is simple for one customer set freight amount field to negotiated amount that is based on the sales order total amount. Script is attached to pre-total event and it always works BUT only if sales order has more…
  • How to Reference Inherited Objects/Properties in Panel Script

    I'm trying to add an MS Script button to the SO Invoice Data Entry panel. In the script I need to access the LOCAL cCurrentPaymentTypeMethod$ property inherited from Class SO_CommonEntry_UI. Can this be done and, if so, how would it be coded?
  • Custom Script to Run with AP Posts

    I need an executable to run when the client Posts AP Batch to the Invoice Register. I cant add a user defined script to the AP Invoice Registry screen because i cant get to it with Customizer. Is there a way to get around this?
  • Script "if" placement

    I have a script that works unless the field "UDF_EXCH_RATE" is zero. (default value is .000000) Where do I place the "if" statement to get it to work? tmpAmt = 0 : tmpExchange = 0 retVal = oBusObj.GetValue("ExtensionAmt",tmpAmt) retVal = oBusObj…
  • Create Script to Explode a Kit on a Sales Order

    I've created a script to add line items to a Sales Order, but adding a kit using the same method does not explode the kit as it should. Should Kit items still be added to the line item (oLines) array on the SalesOrder object, or should some other function…
  • Filter the look of UDT

    Hello all, I have a button script on repetitive invoice header which will pulls out a UDT. But what I want to do is not just pulls out the UDT, (cause it will show all the datas) but also filter the UDT values that shows only for this particular customer…
  • Trouble in write lines details to a UDT

    Hello, I have a script on cash receipt header table, post-write, will bring cash receipt header and detail to a UDT. It is working fine, EXCEPT, If there is more than one lines in the detail, it will only return the last line to the UDT. Only showing…
  • Run a script when invoice is created from AR Repetitive Invoice Selection

    Hi, We have a script on Invoice detail which sets the Extension Amount on the line, the current trigger for this script is "Column-Post Validate" on "ItemCode". But when we generate invoices using AR Repetitive Invoice Selection, the script doesn't…
  • BOI Scripting Information

    Hi All, I was going through some old Sage Summit presentations and thought that these 2 sessions had a lot of great information that is still very useful. Enjoy! UsingBusinessObjectInterface_Begginer.pptx UsingBusinessObjectInterface_Advanced.pptx…
  • I am trying to populate a UDF with the Gross Margin by line.

    I have created a script, and it does not seem to work. Do I put it under column validation, or some other mode. Here is the script. Retval=0 rExtcost rExtamount=0 rQtyship=0 rUnitcost=0 rLineGM=0 Set oLines = oBusObj.AsObject(oBusObj.Lines) oLines…