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  • Date Format

    I am building a custom crystal report off the AP Invoice Table. When I grab the APIBH.DATEINVC file, it shows 20,110,101.00. I want to convert it to 1/1/2011. I tried using the following formula: date({APIBH.DATEINVC}) but it does not work. Any suggestions…
  • Crystal report datapipe connector fix from years ago does not work for Sage 300 2016

    Crystal report datapipe connector fix from years ago does not work for Sage 300 2016. Will Sage release another fix?
  • Crystal reports - how do I create a subset of data using crystal reports?

    I need to be able to review invoice line history for specific customers for a period in time(AR INIVOICEC HISTORY) Detail and Header). From that data I want to exclude specific items sold during specific date ranges(Sale items). Once I have gotten the…