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  • complex screen in ASP.NET c#?

    How can i create a complex page in ASP.NET c#? I cant find any example. Please help me.
  • how to create Back button in ASP.API (SDK)

    Hello, I have a cancel button here defined in my search page : this.CancelMethod =""; When i press this button i would like to to simply go back one page. How can i do that? Thanks.
  • How to assign DataPage to Summary tab in SDK (ASP.API) and make it active after entity selection.

    Hello, I am trying to assign my EntityDataPage to Summary tab. At the moment Summary tab points to the EntityDataPage method within DLL file. When i select a specific item from a list of items then ill get my EntitiyDataPage from my dll file which…
  • How to set SSA field value in entry screen page?

    Hello. I have an entry screen which is used in many places. The SSA field data inside the screen will also flexible to the place. e.g: Payment entry page. It can be open by click "New" button in MainMenu. The page will keep all field blank. One more…