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  • TS2017 Billing Assistant - Deselect All and run Generate Prebill - all clients appear under 1st client as a massive prebill

    TS2017. In trying to address a problem regarding generating a bill through Billing Assistant, I ran into another problem. 1) Load Billing Assistant. 2) Deselect all so that the total in the Billing Assistant List is zero. 3) Click Pre-Bill Worksheet.…
  • TS 2017 - Holding charges in Billing Assistant are ignored on bill

    I was on TS2010 for a long time and still would be except the old machine died. I have been on TS2017 now for less than 90 days and have lots of problems but I acknowledge it may be b/c I do not yet know its quirks. Today, for example, I need to run a…