What is the significance of the request horizon date in Available stock inquiry?

1 minute read time.

Available stock inquiry is used to project the available stock and the stock available to promise, for a given product or site and for a period in days, weeks, or months, from a reference date.

Request horizon date will determine the start date of the period to show the requirements. When the start date of the period is less than the request horizon date, then no requirements are calculated on or prior to that date.

This report can be viewed in week, month, or day periods.

Let us look at a scenario where there is a demand forecast and how they system calculates the available stock inquiry total requirements.

  • In Manufacturing, Planning, Demand forecasts generate a forecast by selecting the site, product and calculate a forecast for a date range (use the ellipsis icon and select calculate):

Demand forecasts: System will calculate the monthly totals and distribute the weekly quantities accordingly.

  • Request horizon date = 11/24/20.
  • i.e. there is a 1week request horizon set at the products-site level


  • Run the Available stock inquiry in Stock, Inquiries, by selecting the site, product reference, reference date, and periodicity equals “Week”:
    • Reference date = 11/17/20 (current date)
    • Request horizon = 11/29/20
    • End of the week of the request horizon STO/SCH/FIRWRKDAY
    • First day of the week is Monday 11/30th, since the request horizon date based on the products-site record is 11/24th
    • Therefore, the end of the week is Sunday 11/29th
  • Note, the quantity of a period is not considered when the start date of the period is less than the request horizon date.
  • In this example, first requirement is showing under 11/30th column, because the request horizon date 11/29th, which is less than the start date of the period, 11/30th.

  • When running it for the “Month”, we can see that the requirements show under the December column because the request horizon date is prior to the start date of the period (December).

Hope this blog is helpful to know the importance of the request horizon date.