Somatamas 90 and Sage 300 Question for AP module


Hello Smart people!

The last company I worked for used to have Sage100. I did an Saved an Excel query and I know that with Sage 100 the data base connection's name is SOMATAMAS90...

What is the name of the database to connect with Sage 300?

Thank you!

  • +1
    verified answer

    When you open any screen in sage you will see at the top left hand corner of the screen a database id.  Eg with the sample database you will see SAMINC.  Look for that and that will be the database you connect to, I think that's what you're asking for, then you need to look at the Application Object Models to determine which table you need within that database eg APVEN for AP Vendors.

  • +1
    verified answer

    When you open any screen in sage you will see at the top left hand corner of the screen a database id.  Eg with the sample database you will see SAMINC.  Look for that and that will be the database you connect to, I think that's what you're asking for, then you need to look at the Application Object Models to determine which table you need within that database eg APVEN for AP Vendors.
